My life is a shit show. I know this, my kids know this, and most of you reading know this. If you don’t know, now you know. For the first time since 6 AM, my ass is on the couch and I am enjoying a glass of pinot grigio. Don’t judge. It’s Wine Wednesday after all. Luna Petunia is blaring in the background (Netflix kid’s show, for those wondering). It is NOT a bath night, which is a relief. It is one of those things that seems so painless but we always end up with too much water on the floor and tears for a variety of reasons (MOM- WHY DID YOU USE THE YELLOW SOAP AND NOT THE ELSA SOAP?!) God forbid I use the wrong soap. Since I am feeling rather frazzled right now, I decided it was time to write a post about what my work days are like because maybe it will help some of you feel better about your own mess of a life. Let’s do this.
6 AM: Alarm goes off, hit snooze.
6:08 AM: Alarm goes off again, hit snooze.
6:15 AM: Sometimes wake up, sometimes hit snooze again. Today was one of those days when I woke up.
6:17 AM: Shower or bath. Yes, bath. Sometimes I am too tired to stand in the shower. Sometimes I bathe at night. If I do, then I definitely hit snooze the next AM.
6:27: Brush teeth & take medicine (BP meds, Zoloft and sometimes Prilosec and Zyrtec). I am literally an old biddy.
6:30 AM: Out of the bathroom. Zone out in my towel on the couch watching the local news. Check social media.
6:33 AM: Get dressed in my work uniform. Leggings and a sweatshirt or sweater. I am lucky enough to work in a business casual atmosphere. Sometimes I wear a maxi dress in the summer. I’m crazy like that.
6:40 AM: Make lunches if I didn’t do so the night before. Don’t forget to put a note in 8 yo’s lunch. He still likes when I do that. 🙂
6:45 AM: Wake up the little people, who at this point, have made it into my cozy bed.
6:50 AM: YELL at them to GET UP. They tell me that they are too tired and too cozy. Curse in my head that I am tired and I was cozy, too.
6:52 AM: Get them their chocolate milk. Sometimes they eat breakfast. Sometimes they don’t.
6:55 AM: Pick out kid’s clothes. For 8 yo, it’s easy. He will wear whatever I give him. 4 yo is another story. It is a fight EVERY SINGLE MORNING.
7:00 AM: Check my blood pressure. High BP is hereditary in my family. I HATE getting my BP checked at the doc (white coat syndrome is a real thing) so I take it at home to make it easier for when I go to the doctor. FUN TIMES.
7:02 AM: Get my shit together. Laptop, lunch (if I have stuff to make), my million bags…and I usually end up forgetting something.
7:07 AM: Yell at kids to get moving, brush teeth, hair, etc. Put on their shoes. This time is usually a cluster of going back and forth between the 2 kids to make sure they look somewhat presentable. Hair styling fits in this time slot, too.
7:15 AM: My dad (my AM lifesaver) pulls up. He gets 8 yo on the bus that comes at 7:51. I finish getting everything ready and get out the door by 7:30.
7:25 AM: Standing outside screaming at 4 yo to get in the damn car, put the scooter away, etc. 8 yo gives me hugs and kisses and tells me he will miss me.
7:30 AM: Strap the 4 yo in the car, put on her favorite songs (currently Sam Smith Too Good at Goodbyes) and take her to daycare.
7:35 AM: Arrive at daycare. She either cries and doesn’t want me to leave, or could care less. Depends on the day.
7:38 AM: Start the drive to work. Can take 35 min or 55 min depending on traffic. I listen to Howard Stern, CNN, MSNBC, or music. It really depends on my mood. Maybe stop to get coffee.
8:20 AM: Arrive at work.
WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK (In my Rihanna voice)
4:20 PM: Leave work.
5:05 PM: Pick up 4 yo.
5:15 PM: Arrive home. My dad (my PM lifesaver as well) gets 8 yo off of the bus. They are either playing outside, doing homework, or relaxing.
5:20 PM: Start making dinner. Nothing to extravagant. My kids are picky AF and are basic.
5:50 PM: Eat dinner. Many times in front of the TV, on the couch. As long as we are quiet I do not care.
6:15 PM: Baths, Homework, Soccer (depending on the night)
6:25 PM: Put on jammies.
6:30 PM: Clean up dinner mess, hubs gets home from football practice.
7:00 PM: Make lunches (if I don’t, then I will need to in the morning) or go to the gym or work some more from home..depends on the night.
7:15 PM: Check backpacks for important news, papers.
7:20 PM: Kids run around like little maniacs and there is a lot of yelling/time-out action going-on.
7:45 PM: Time for bed/read books. Hubs takes 8 yo, I take 4 yo. I normally fall asleep with her in bed…while she is talking my ear off.
9 PM: Come back downstairs, get a snack, maybe watch a few minutes of TV. My TV list is extensive. Let me know if you want some suggestions.
9:30 PM: Brush teeth. Floss if I am feeling like a go-getter.
9:35 PM: Get in bed & play on phone until I pass out.
Sometimes these wild nights include wine. Tonight happens to be one of them. I am sure I forgot a shit ton of stuff but you get the gist. This life is insane. It’s awesome. It keeps me going and makes me strong-(ish). So to all of you moms, dads, working women, men, etc. with crazy, hectic, schedules….just know that you are NOT ALONE. Just think, there is someone out there who is going through it too, and remember. One day we will get a break…at least I keep telling myself that.
*Side note. Schedule is way off tonight. I am blogging and kids are taking all of the cushions off of the couch while they scream and yell. My loud sighs are not stopping them. HELP.
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