My kids ask us for a puppy or kitten a few times a week.
“Mom, can we get a puppy?”
“Maybe, someday.”
It’s the same question, with the same answer. Their rebuttals change from time to time.
“But (insert name here) has a puppy!”
“Why are you so mean?”
“We promise we will take care of it!”
“I will take it for walks in the morning.”
At times I feel bad that my kids don’t have a sweet little animal. One of my kids wants to be a vet. They cry when they watch the SPCA Sarah McLaughlin commercials. I tear up, too. They love all four-legged creatures. I know they do. After all of the things I spoil my children with, so far a pet has not been one of them.
You may think I am heartless. Why wouldn’t we adopt a dog or cat? We have a house. A big back-yard. Money to pay for food and vet bills. Okay, maybe not money for vet bills. But still. We are qualified, on paper, to own a damn pet.
Daily, I am reminded of our decision. Cute little videos pop-up on my Facebook feed of animals all of the time. One that sticks out, a little kitten snuggling with a swaddled baby. It is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. You have probably seen it too. For a second, I change my mind and decide that we need a kitten. Then I start thinking of the last cat we owned (his name was Stewie) and how he died at a young age of complications from a blood clot. That was seriously traumatizing and I am not sure I could go through a similar experience again.
I had cats growing up. My husband and his family did not own pets. I think this is why we have yet to cave. Sure, I loved our cats, but today I do not feel the need to own one. The kids are at school all day. My husband and I both work full-time. He also coaches football and is MIA in the late summer and fall. Taking puppies out to poop at 4 AM or changing kitty litter daily are not things that I feel like doing at this point in my life. Currently, I am still wiping poopy butts, cleaning up after my 2 kids, and doing a lot of other random shit to make this household a working one. Why would I want to add more chores to my already busy day?
My kids would be happy. They would have a new best friend. My social media feeds would have some new content besides little kid faces. But I know that the newness would wear off quickly, and I would be the one responsible for all things animal. To all of my animal loving, pet-owning friends: I salute you. Don’t hate me or judge me for this unpopular view I have. My kids probably wish they lived with you. Maybe I will live up to my answer of “Maybe, someday.” For now, I will be a little selfish and cheers to one less living thing to take care of.
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