Shout out to the super moms out there that took the time out to make St. Patty’s day an absolutely incredible and extraordinary experience for their little ones. I was under the impression that my kindergartner was excited to wear his shamrock shirt (that my mom bought him) and learn a little bit of Irish dancing at school. A nice, laid-back day filled with all things green. Nothing too crazy. While tucking him in tonight, I found out that I was wrong.
DJ: “Mom, how come the leprechaun didn’t visit OUR house?”
Me: “Why, did he visit your friend’s houses?”
DJ: “Yes. Lilly, Olivia, Gianna….” The list went on. And on. FUCK.
Me: “Oh, well, I think he did visit. He brought the brownies.” First thing that came to my mind.
DJ: “No, he didn’t. The leprechaun is supposed to do SILLY THINGS mom, like making messes.”
Me: “He brought the brownies. Now let’s go to sleep.”
SERIOUSLY?! My over-sensitive, little analytical thinker is probably scarred because the effing leprechaun did not visit. He is most likely taking it personal. Little does he know his mom is a slacker. I knew this was a thing, but I didn’t realize that St. Patty’s day is legit a real holiday now. Move over, Elf on the Shelf. Something tells me that the little shit will be getting some competition in the form of a little green man, just a different time of year.
Maybe I was in denial. We are Polish (and Italian), after all. The thought didn’t even cross my mind to put green food coloring in the toilet (Leprechaun piss- really?!) or destroy a room in the house (Leprechauns do silly things, remember?). But according to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, I am the minority. Sorry DJ, this mom doesn’t even have time to wash her hair, let alone make leprechaun footprints and place them strategically all over the house.
Besides- Easter is in a week and I have yet to get candy and random BS to fill their baskets. We didn’t color eggs yet. Maybe we will, maybe we won’t. A local Easter egg hunt is on the schedule, that’s about it. I am overwhelmed and am looking forward to the summer months where there is not a whole hell of lot of holidays where I need to become Martha Stewart to make “magical” memories for my kids. When we were young (oh hey, Adele) wearing a green shirt was about all that was going on March 17th. Those days are long gone. The question is….do I conform and do as all of the “together” moms do? Or do I continue to disappoint my kid by not going overboard on “holidays”? Stay tuned.
Cyndy says
Continue to do you. He and Scarlett will be just fine. Ask questions, teach them to ask questions, and be patient enough to answer or tell them you don’t know and go look it up. (Together when they are younger and when they can handle safe searching alone, then they can hit it on their own.) You’ll likely end up with adaptable, independent thinkers who can see through B.S. and choose to participate or not all by themselves. Some people don’t have the money to do all this crap, let alone the time, and it’s a meaningless waste of resources in the end. My kids remember the time I spent with them above and beyond anything else that happened in their lives.
thiscoolmom says
Thanks Cyn. Just am seeing this now. xoxo