No matter what time of the day, I have a drink in my hand. It’s not an exaggeration. Coffee, Coke Zero, diet iced tea, water, wine, beer, etc. My mom is the same way- we have an addiction to beverages. A majority of my thirst is quenched by Coke Zero or iced tea with artificial sweetener. While fresh brewed is amazing, there is something about Wawa Diet Iced Tea that just does it for me. And I can’t resist a fountain Coke Zero….UGH! For YEARS I have been trying to kick the habit- I have read a billion articles on how this stuff is so bad for us.
The other day one of my Facebook buddies posted this article and it really made me start thinking:
8 Things That Happen When You Finally Stop Drinking Diet Soda
Read it. NOW! As of today, June 19th,I am giving up artificial sweetener. No more diet soda, diet iced tea, Sweet n Low in my coffee….I’m done. And no, I am not giving up my alcoholic beverages. Hopefully, this will help my overall mental health and maybe even bring my blood pressure down. I also get on and off heartburn, which is probably a result of the carbonation. Maybe I can drop my last 10 lbs of pregnancy weight, too. Either way, I am going to see what happens. Suggested substitutes are flavored seltzer and carbonated spring water. I am also going to try infused water with lime, mint and cucumbers. Supposedly it’s really healthy and great for the digestive system.
Expect a follow up next week to see if I notice any changes. Also, please consider joining me in giving up artificial sweeteners and let me know your results. This change can only be positive!
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