For our family and many others, the fall is an absolute shit show. It’s filled with back to school excitement, which quickly turns into a chaotic daily morning routine. Lots of yelling and reminding. Did you brush your teeth? Did you wash your face? Did you take your Zyrtec? Are you wearing underwear? Yes, this is a serious question that I need to ask our six-year-old because she “hates underwear.” It’s checking backpacks, making sure they have the right snacks and full water bottles. In the midst of all of this craziness, I am pouring Cocoa Krispies into a bowl with milk for one kid, while the other eats a Nutrigrain bar. They fight over what to watch on YouTube while they eat breakfast.
It takes me 5 minutes to get ready during this time. Thankfully my work is casual, so I can wear leggings and hoodies this time of year. A literal uniform. My hair is short and easy, and if I do attempt to wear makeup and look like a real person, it takes 2 minutes at my desk or in the car. Coffee is neccesary- usually a cold brew. Not a lot of time is spent on myself, which sometimes pisses me off, but it’s really just survival mode at this point in the mornings, so I deal.
When the kids get on the bus I can breathe…and work.
FAST FORWARD TO AFTER SCHOOL. The afternoon routine might be even more insane than the morning. It’s either field hockey/soccer games or practices for the kids. If they have an off night, we go to my Spin Studio where childcare is offered. We fit in homework, reading, dinner, and showers/baths. Sometimes at night, I log in to work if I need to make up time or finish a project. There is no time for relaxing. ZERO.
Throw in school pictures, papers that need to be signed, special days (MOM!I NEED A PINK SHIRT TOMORROW!), fundraising, keeping track of mouthguards and uniforms, library books, cleaning, cooking, making time for fam and friends…it is freaking exhausting and just wild. Oh, and hubs coaches high school football so has practice every day after school AND games on Friday nights.
We are constantly on the move, and I know I am not alone here. Right about now, this time of year, things are out of control. Lots of takeout meals, lots of rushing, trunk or treats, parties, & just STUFF. It’s never-ending. Nine years ago at this time, you would most likely find me crying and upset about how everything was going to get done and be perfect. Now, I can manage the stress a little better. So what if we got takeout a few times this week. So what if there are dishes in the sink and I am procrastinating on pretty much everything in my personal Gmail inbox….it will get handled eventually.
As for now, a Friday night, I am going to get a shower while the kids veg out like zombies and watch tv. (This could go a completely opposite direction, where my six year old stares at me while I shower, or she just jumps in with me.) We are going to eat pizza and french fries and we will have beverages (wine for me and apple cider for kids). Dessert will be chocolate chip cookies (store-bought of course) and hopefully, I can catch up on Handmaids Tale (actually probably not because the kids will be in and out & needy). Either way, I will enjoy this time of lounging and relaxing, because, the alarm will be going off at 7 am tomorrow for an early game.
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