I must hear the question a few times a day. Sometimes I hide it or say it’s broken. The look on their little faces knowing that they cannot play “Monkey Pre-School Lunchbox” or watch another episode of Tumble Leaf literally is the saddest thing ever. I am so guilty of letting these devices distract my children for hours while I cook, clean, and take a moment to breathe. But I have to stay strong (I am a sucker). Remember when we were growing up? We could basically go outside in the summer from morning til night and entertain ourselves with bikes, climbing trees, a few gloves and a ball. Unfortunately things have changed and I’m pretty sure we would be charged with child endangerment if that same behavior occurred today. So now, we must find ways to occupy their little minds, all day. Sure, electronics are reasonable sometimes, but excessive use seems to be completely frowned upon by experts, doctors, and parents with a more strict approach.
This morning I read this post on , 8 Things You Can Do as a Parent to Curb Your Kid’s Tech Obsession, which includes a lot of ideas and ways to control the use of all of these tablets/computers/video games that are taking over our world. The lemonade stand idea is definitely a throwback that I think my 5 year old would love. Being a tech-loving person myself, it will be a challenge to try to limit their usage but I think with the help of articles like the one above and some creativity, we can raise our kids to not be so dependent on these little gadgets. Maybe we will learn not to check Facebook and Instagram so regularly as well.
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