Our sleeping situation is SO f’d up. SO F’d up!!
105 minutes. That is how long it took precious Scarlett to fall asleep last night. The entire process is just beyond frustrating, because this ritual leaves no time for me time, us time, or housekeeping time. There is no time to breathe and wind down.
And yes, she still sleeps in our bed. We tried everything (cry it out, laying on floor in her room, white noise, etc), and it was just easier to keep her with us. With an infant, easy is key. If you ask Scarlett, our room is HER room. The other night she yelled at hubs, “DADDY, GET OUTTA HERE!” She wants that King sized bed for the girls of the house. At this point it is comical….but not really.
So of course I am always talking about how she fights sleep to basically anyone that will listen. Sorry to all of those people…
One of my co-workers (who listens to all of my stories) sent me a link today that really caught my attention. It was about a book that is supposed to help kids fall asleep. WHAT!!?? The book is called “The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep“, written by Swedish author Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin. It is currently on Amazon’s best seller list and has a Facebook page with over 23,000 likes, so naturally I bought the damn thing. Supposedly it uses hypnosis, relaxation and psychological means to help kids snooze. Like, the mom reads book and by the time mom is finished book, kid is sleeping.
The book is being delivered on Monday and I am counting down the seconds until I get home, unwrap it, and read it to this little biddy. Stay tuned for my review. Hopefully it is a positive one, but with Scarlett’s track record, I have a feeling that Mr. Forssen Ehrlin will be reading a negative review from this momma.

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