It was the perfect plan. A family night at the gym. Scarlett in the jogging stroller while hubs, me and DJ walked and jogged around the indoor track. My new playlist was ready to go. I figured if we were there for 45 minutes to an hour it would be a success. We would burn a million calories, sweat and have the best workout. Once we were finished, we would hop in the CRV and get water ice. When the kids were asleep, maybe have some of my cheap Sutter Home pinot grigio. A bonus would be watching the last few episodes of OITNB Season 3.
NOPE. That plan did not come to fruition. It should have occurred to me that a 2 year old in a stroller in a tiny indoor track would not be cooperative. She lasted about 6 laps and then insisted on getting out to “run.” Unfortunately she was wearing one of her pink princess nightgowns (UGH!) that she refuses to take off, so I eventually stopped counting the number of falls from tripping over the chiffon and her crocs. The princess’ bladder must have been working overtime because her diaper was just about falling off and was visible and bulging through said dress. It was so noticeable and so embarrassing for me….”that poor baby is still in her nightgown and her mom needs to change that saggy diaper.” The regular moms had to have been thinking that…I’m sure of it.
Between the screaming, crying and falling, people would give us the “I feel sorry for you” look. Scar would also tap people as she fled by them with this mischievous/scary smirk on her face.
After 20 minutes, I was DONE. We left. Frustrated. Angry. Looking back I realize that my plan was not perfect. What selfish mom takes two small kids to the gym before dinner just so she can workout?! I am not Jillian Michaels. I need to relax. A common theme in my posts- figuring out the work and home balance. Is it possible? One day I will figure it out….Scarlett just needs to cooperate. So we went home, ate dinner, and I had a few glasses of SkinnyGirl White Peach Margarita while whining via a blog post. Not quite the plan but there is always tomorrow.
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