Dear Son:
We have been excitedly counting down for the last few weeks, and today is the day. You are officially a ten year old. Double digits. Before you were born, your dad and I thought we were living our best lives; going out with friends, staying up late, sleeping in, and honestly who knows what else. I remember times where I would be so bored because “there was nothing to do.” SERIOUSLY?!
The months leading up to your dramatic debut were filled with worry, love, fear, and anticipation. Never did I realize that all of these emotions would still exist, today, tenfold.
When the nurse placed you in my arms after a scary first few minutes, I met you for the first time. My blue-eyed baby, with a head of hair. I can close my eyes and picture everything so clearly…the room, the doctor, the sounds. It was the best day of my life and one I will never forget.
I was 29 when we brought you home. Long days and even longer nights were filled with getting to know you, and learning my new role as a mom. Changing diapers, dressing you in adorable clothes, feeding you and giving you baths. Repeat. When daddy went back to work, we binged watched Mad Men and took lots of naps on the cozy couch. We visited grandparents & walked laps around the mall. It was a surreal 3 months.
When the time came for me to go back to work, I didn’t want to leave you. Thankfully, Nonna and Pop Pop watched you every single day. Knowing that you were safe and cared for made it possible for me to be successful at my job. But when 4 pm hit, I would literally speed home to see you. It was the best part of my day.
When you got on the bus on the first day of kindergarten, I cried. I was so scared and hated knowing that you were on your own. Lots of tears that day led to the biggest hug when you got home. I missed you more than you knew. Even now when you get on the bus, I worry about you.
Watching you grow the last few years has been so magical. You are almost as tall as me (which we know isn’t a huge feat) and we can wear the same size shoes (sorry I borrow your Nike slides). You are kind, sensitive, smart, and hilarious. You are such a good singer and performer. You have awesome hair. I look at you in awe every day and wonder how you went from chilling in the Baby Bjorn to a thoughtful fourth grader. It happened in a flash.
Always remember that I am here for you, even though I can no longer carry you. I know it won’t last forever, but luckily you still snuggle with me. You are the best snuggler.
Stay sweet and know that it is okay to be different.
You are on the right path- keep going.
I am so thankful for you and hope that you have the best day.
Happy Birthday. I love you.