My 4 year old has a girlfriend. Yep, that’s right- a legit girlfriend. I have friends in their 30s who are single yet this kid lands his first girlfriend on day 1 of pre-school. Let’s call her Blondie. Blondie is cute. Not what I pictured to be DJ’s type, but cute nonetheless. During the school year, they would run to each other and hug EVERY SINGLE MORNING like they are long lost lovers. Think The Notebook. From there they would clasp hands on the walk into the building. Their teacher thinks it is precious. Sure, it is precious but at the same time I’m like- UMMMM NO.
I am so not ready for my little man to grow up. The day that he actually goes out on his first date I will probably need to be consoled by my hubs at which time I will realize I am pathetic and open several bottles of wine, waiting at the window until he is home safe. And what if I don’t like the girl? Do I tell him? Do I let him continue dating someone who I can’t stand? Oh, and then there is the whole “birds and the bees” talk. When will he get married? Hopefully not too young. 30 is good. Will I approve of the wife? Will we get along? Hopefully she drinks wine. Okay now my mind is wandering way too much.
Then I look at it from a different perspective. I am Blondie. My Mother-in-Law had to approve of me and give her son away to me on our wedding day. She had to accept the fact that my hubs was no longer her little boy. Even if I was not the ideal girl she thought he would marry (which I am probably not), she would have to learn to live with it because her son loved me. No matter what, I am going to have to trust DJ’s judgment and support all of his decisions when it comes to women in his life….
Sadly, Blondie will be moving onto Kindergarten next year, while DJ still has another year of pre-school. I tried explaining this to him, but I don’t think he will fully understand until school starts in the fall. Until then, I will have to listen to him say the following all day:
“Mom, can we call Blondie?”
“Mom, what is Blondie’s phone number?”
“Can Blondie sleep over?”
“I miss Blondie”
“I love Blondie.”
Time will tell if he will find a new girl in his 2nd year of pre-school or if he and Blondie will have a long-distance relationship. Wishful thinking for neither, and that he plays the field for a while. This mom is not ready for this.
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